

The challenge

​In tandem with their product expansion into the CBD market, Playboy launched a cannabis law reform and advocacy campaign in partnership with the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) and several other non-profit organizations. The Brand Agency was tasked with publicizing this campaign and in turn draw attention to Playboy's legacy and continued work in the cannabis advocay space.

Data-driven Results

​We knew we had to be strategic and choose the both the right outlet and the right journalist to announce this news when pitching out Playboy's cannabis advocacy campaign. We wanted to partner with someone who would tell the full scope of the story and shed positive light on Playboy's historic work in cannabis rights. We tapped a former Playboy writer who is a senior columnist at Forbes to announce this news exclusively. We knew his work with Playboy helped him make his foray into his cannabis journalism career and that his loyalty to the organization would produce positive, favorable coverage. 

​Our strategic thinking in announcing Playboy's cannabis advocay campaign exclusively with Forbes resulted in a major standalone story for the brand and their continued work in the cannabis reform space. The piece also nodded to Playboy's legacy in the field and their long withstanding relationship with NORML. Following the exclusive announcement, Playboy's news spread far and wide with other cannabis-centric publications like Ganjapreneur, Candid Chronicle, MG Retailer and more

Playboy Advocacy

Playboy Advocacy


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